Saturday, July 21, 2007

Music hath charms...

It's true. It's true. My wife is a professional Baroque musician. For those of you not familar with Baroque music, consider yourselves lucky. So last night the baby is screaming and crying, and nothing is helping, until my wife turns on the stereo. The soothing sounds of Vivaldi did this in seconds.

ברך השם

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First pics of baby Arwen

Arwen Elizabeth Barrack
ארוון אלישבע ברק

Born Sunday, July 15, 2007
at Kaiser, San Francisco
6 lbs, 2.8 oz ( 2800 gr)
18.5 inches (46.99 cm)

Well I'm finally getting around to blogging the baby's first couple of days. I'll add to this, but for now, just look at the pics and tell us how cute the baby is.

Day Zero (taken on my cell phone cam, sorry)
Day One